Oct 21, 2007

NSM continue onward and forward and has no concern to engage stupidity

I have been asked to make a statement on behalf of NSM Missouri,although it is ridiculous that I anyone should have to say anythingat all. Let me state unequivocally that the entire state of Missouriis behind the Commander 100%. Jeff Schoep has been a good friend aswell as leader for a long time. The NSM is growing exponentially asis the state of Missouri. Much, if not all of that, is due to hisleadership. Commander Schoep is exactly right - this is not ademocracy. We are National Socialists. We recognise theFuhrerprinzip. Fall in line or get out! I feel stupid even makingthis statement as only four people have left the party. Three of themwere expelled and the fourth was the best friend and assistant of oneof the expelled members! This kind of thing has gone on forever.Every political party does this (look at the republicrats). Ithappened in the NSDAP. It happened in the ANP. It is not unusual,strange, or unheard of. But one thing is certainly true: it is longoverdue that we should put our petty individualegos/disagreements/problems aside and get on with the epic,monumental, historic, and absolutely mandatory task of saving ourRace.

Heil Hitler!MSgt. Steven BoswellNSM Missouri

A number of other NSM Leaders have also issued similar statements,however this is more than enough to put this issue in its casket.

In to response of the recent events I was phoned by many of the Northeastern regional National Socialist Movement enlisted storm troopers and general party membership. Many were wondering what was going on this past two weeks. With our resolve being tested as well as our loyalty and honor. The Northeastern regional area is 100% percent without questions behind the Commander and the party. As for the New York unit our unit is fully behind the Commander and the party. At no point not one member here has terminated their services to the party. We are only getting stronger as the days goes by and will continue whole heartedly and faithfully continue to march forward and fight not for only race but also for soil. I was informed that this goods news to be made publicly to the rest of our party and those whom are thinking of joining the NSM. We will not rest until we have achieved our aims for a new Government and a nation for our race and only our race. In closing I would like to thank all those in the Northeast for being loyal to the party but above all the Commander. I would like to salute all those who have stood faithfully behind the Commander and the party you are all what this party is made up of built on trust, honor, loyalty, commitment and integrity. With this being said would like to heil the Commander and those who I would be proud to call Kameraden and a fellow SA and many others .

SGT. Connelly SS Bewerber
New York State unit leader
Northeast regional director

Oct 20, 2007

Honor & Oath

NSM Party Comrades, I am addressing this publically, but it is directed at active Party members. When Ifirst joined the NSM I knew it would be something I would stick with the rest of mylife, it was not a club, a gang, or some fleeting thrill for the moment, it was acommitment to a way of life, and a direct link to many of our Forefathers who foughtfor Blood and Soil. Fellow Party members, most of you have taken the Oath of Loyaltyto the Party, and those that have not yet taken your Oath, as read in the membershiphandbook, are expected to do so as soon as possible. It is a commitment, and provesyour serious about helping us to bring about changes in our Nation. It also createsa Solidarity, and Kinship with your fellow Brothers and Sisters in our struggle. In this modern day materialistic Society to some an Oath, or pledge of Loyalty meansnothing. For those of us that live by the Old Ways, breaking an Oath defiles yourHonor, and leaves you with nothing but an empty shell that once held your lifeforce. If a man can not stay true to his Oath, then he is no man but rather acastrated maggot devoid of any trace of purity or an Aryan Soul. Your Oath alsoholds you to the battlefield, until this fight for our Race and Nation has been won.I often reflect about so-called Comrades that have abandoned their Oaths to theParty, and I wonder how they can live with themselves, as the rest of us face such alarge scale enemy in Zog, and they give up without a fight, or before the fight isfinished. We at Party HQ always hear a multitude of excuses from the Oath breakers,sometimes their reasons are based in serious issues (still there is no reasonserious enough to break your Oath), but more often than not it is trivial matters,such as personal problems with another member, so and so had their feelings hurt, orthis or that person was not thanked enough for their work, or did not get promoted,or did not like a certain rule in the chain of command, or Religion, or insertexcuse here ____. These same Oath breakers often claim to take great pride in the3rd Reich, and CLAIM they are National Socialists. Truth be known, had they livedduring the 3rd Reich and broke their Party Oaths there, especially in the war years,they might have met the hanging Judge Roland Freisler, and be dangling from pianowire! It comes down to this Comrades, and prospective Party members. If you are notserious about our Party leave now. I am opening the door now for any current memberto leave, with their Oath in tact. I want to shake out any of the uncommitted,non-serious members right now, considering they are not needed as we move forward tothe frontlines. To the Prospects and Probate NSM members, this message is for youalso. If you are not in this fight with us to the bitter end, now would be the timeto walk away. Furthermore, the NSM does not operate as a Democracy, your pledge ofLoyalty is to the Party and its Leadership. Honor you Oath, and your Pledge ofLoyalty to the Party, or get out of our Ranks now while you still can! To the restof you, the Party Faithfull, the Warrior Archetype's, you men and women forged inIron and steel ready to stand against the zionist hordes, and their beloved illegalslave laborers. Your Party Salutes and Honor's you! Providence has already promisedus Victory in our fight, and your Ancestors march alongside of you. In spirit, themen who fought at Valley Forge stand along side of us, as do the brave men of theAlamo, as do the thousands that perished on the Eastern Front fighting Communism,and every other meaningfull battle where our Racial Kinfolk have sacrificed theirlives. Let those who abandon us, and break their Oaths, run away quickly with their talesbetween their legs. If they can live with that shame and dishonor, so be it. For therest of us, Duty calls!